Press Release: HERO Campaign on NBC40 Forum

Contact: Bill Elliott
HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers featured on NBC40 Forum on September 7
Bill Elliott, chairman of the John R. Elliott HERO Campaign for Designated Drivers, will be featured on NBC TV 40’s Forum 40 show on Sept. 7. The show is hosted by Robin Stoloff, of the NBC 40 staff.
Elliott will be joined by Lt. Anthony DiSciascio, of the Somers Point Police Department’s traffic unit, and by Al Nagbe, the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey HERO of the Year.
Nagbe is a pre-med Stockton senior from Egg Harbor Township. He was selected as HERO of the Year from nominations by classmates based on his service as a HERO designated driver. His picture is featured on an Atlantic City Expressway billboard, courtesy of Clear Channel Outdoor, Inc.
The HERO Campaign, with headquarters at Stockton College in Galloway Township, seeks to end drunk driving tragedies by promoting the use of safe and sober designated drivers. The campaign is now active in seven states.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 33,561 people died in traffic crashes in 2012 in the United States (latest figures available), including an estimated 10,322 people who died in drunk driving crashes, accounting for 31% of all traffic deaths that year. In New Jersey, 164 people died in alcohol-related crashes in 2012.